Top 5 Features and Benefits of Productivity Measurement Software

Top 5 Features and Benefits of Productivity Measurement Software


4 min read

Monitoring and managing the productivity of your employees in today’s data-driven, employee-centric, technology-oriented, and fast-paced work world and environment is a challenge. Manual, old, and outdated methods will give more errors and accuracies, costing time and money. Plus, towering over your organization’s employees to measure and increase their productivity is also not allowed. So, we need a non-intrusive and innovative software solution. For example, a measuring scale for employee productivity. Fortunately, we have one in the guise of productivity measurement software solutions. However, how does it work? In this article, we will take you through the A-Z of it all.

An Overview of Productivity Measurement Software

Software solutions for productivity measurement or in short, productivity measurement software solutions are tool packages with features to provide you with real-time work and productivity insights.

Of Whom?

  • The employees working in your organization. It’s like a measuring scale for the productivity of your teams.


  • At times even the best of your employees is not optimal. Productivity measurement software generates accurate productivity insights, helping you easily spot and fix non-productive work patterns, gaps, flaws, and obstructions


  • We recommend configuring the software as per your requirements for the best output.

Are there any Benefits?

  • We see increased productivity as one of the advantages.

Key Features of Productivity Measurement Software

With the above, we put the orientation of productivity measurement software under wraps. Plus, we also mentioned that it has features. So, what are they? What do they do? How do they work? Let’s get right into it.

Real-Time Productivity Insights

It wouldn’t be called productivity measurement software if it didn’t give you the real-time productivity insights of your employees. This feature, which is the name of the game, gives you a bird’s eye view of the working patterns and activities of your employees.

Field Staff Management

Your software for measuring productivity or productivity measurement software is also great for field staff management software. This is due to unique features such as location tracking and call logging, which are either built-in or integrated with fieldwork management software.

Time Tracking

Whether through integration with time-tracking software or built-in, this is a very useful feature, which gives you insights into where your work-time is being utilized the most. This lets you eliminate time-wasting activities and increase productivity.

Task Management

Another integrated feature of productivity measurement software we love is task management. This time, the integration is with project management software. What it does is let you create as many tasks, subtasks, and checklists as required. Plus, you will also know who is doing what.


To add more functionality to our productivity measurement software, we integrated it with the other tools we use. For example, common integrations include combining with project management, AI, and payroll tools. Furthermore, it also accrues the transaction and processing between the tools, saving you money and costs.

Benefits of Productivity Measurement Software

With that, we are done with the features of productivity measurement software. Wondering what benefits will you get from utilizing these functionalities and tools? Let’s dive right into the advantages of using software for productivity measurement.

More Accountability

Thanks to the task management feature, the result is more accountable and responsible employees. Since you will know who is doing what, your employees can’t blame each other for incompetency.

Improved Time Management

The real-time automated time-tracking feature ensures improvement in time management. Since you can easily eliminate time-wasting activities, the result is more employee efficiency and better work performance.

More Efficiency

Real-time automated time-tracking via timesheets and task timers ensures that your employees become more efficient. How? Due to automated time-tracking, your employees focus more on the task at hand than the clock ticking and become more efficient.

Timely Project Completion

Through the task management and time-tracking features, you get efficient employees who complete all the quality work on or before the deadline. This increases your timely project completion rate and earns you more clients, profits, growth, and success.

Productivity Boosts

It’s obvious, isn’t it? That’s why we are using productivity measurement software. So, to summarize, when we use all the key features of this software to their maximum utilization, then we get significant boosts in our productivity.


With that, we put our post for today’s topic Top 5 Features and Benefits of Productivity Measurement Software under wraps. To summarize, an employee monitoring app for productivity measurement is a feature-rich tool package and digital platform, which automatically and in real-time gives you productivity insights into your employees’ workings. With features including real-time productivity insights, field staff management, time-tracking, integrations, and task management, you get many benefits such as more accountable employees, productivity boosts, improved time management, more efficiency, and timely project completion. Looking for the best productivity measurement software? We recommend DeskTrack.